Monday, February 22, 2010

the BIG 3-0!!

Happy Belated Birthday Adam!!

My oldest brother, Adam, celebrated his birthday on Saturday and turned 30!! He is an amazing older brother. As you know, I believe I have the best siblings in the world. We are very close, which can be intimidating (I'm told) to outsiders. Sorry to those who have spent any lengthy amount of time with the four of us. Anyways, back to Adam...

Adam is someone I look to for guidance and wisdom in so many areas of life. He has a deep and strong relationship with our Lord, which I admire. He can talk to anyone and make them feel special. He loves with all he has and is devoted to serving others. Some of my favorite memories include the two summers I worked for him. He was serving as a Youth Minister in San Antonio, and I was his intern. I loved watching him with the kids, the parents, and the whole congregation. He is very passionate, and I witnessed his love for his work being poured into those kids. He has always looked out for me and been my by side. Thanks Adam for your support, encouragement, kind spirit, and faithful heart. I love you and can't wait to see you in March!!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love that first picture of the two of you in the wedding in Brazil! There is no greater blessing for parents than seeing their children close to the Lord and close to one another.
