Thursday, September 25, 2014


Nine Months Old

When we started taking these monthly pictures, it took forever. Now, with our mobile baby and our improved skills, it takes half the time, but we are lucky to get a handful that will work. Oh, sweet little one, you are growing so fast and becoming so quick. Slow. Down. Please. 

These are a few (nine) of her favorite things...

Petting my puppy, he loves to give kisses
Eating any kind of food is always delicious
Toys that make music or anyone who sings
These are a few of my favorite things.

Going for stroller rides or crawling on the floor
My awesome family, the ones I adore
They make me happy. I'm flying with wings.
These are a few of my favorite things.

Waving at strangers or anyone I see
Looking in mirrors, I giggle with glee
I can't contain it. A smile, they will bring.
These are a few of my favorite things. 

At nine months old,  you...
weigh 19 pounds
measure 27 1/2 inches
give high fives
pull up on things
crawl & get into everything

"I know there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live." Ecclesiastes 3:12

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Little M took her second ride on an airplane and her second trip to the beach. It was a relaxing week with beautiful weather. Our little girl loved splashing in the pool, eating the sand, playing with toys on the beach, and dipping in the ocean. Other highlights included: kayaking, deep sea fishing, eating lots of yummy food, and date night with dinner and a movie. We look forward to another trip soon.

"Now our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name." 
I Chronicles 29:13