Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Job Search is Over

I got a job. I got a job. I got a job. Hey! Hey! Hey!
Last night, I told Craig that I would not be teaching this year and needed to start applying for other jobs. I have been praying a lot about a new job and for God's plan to be evident. I applied with two county systems and sent resumes to every school. Over the past month, my interviews were minimal. However, my spirits were not down. I fully trusted that God was in control and would provide the perfect job. I interviewed at Jackson Christian on July 2 after hearing about an opening only two days before. Everyone was out of town last week, so I did not think I would hear anything until yesterday at the earliest. Well, this morning, I received the call from the principal offering me the 4th Grade position. Yes, you heard me right. 4th Grade. It's a big jump from Kindergarten. I am taking a BIG leap of faith and trusting that God will lead me throughout this year. I have heard wonderful things about the school, and everyone has been so nice. I am very excited about this opportunity. Thanks for all the prayers, and please keep lifting them up.


  1. so happy for you, hon. these JC kiddos are in for a treat! just think, they're the age that your very first class from Christ the Rock is now...

  2. Congratulations, Anna! I know you'll do a great job teaching 4th grade. :)

  3. Yay! You will be a great 4th grade teacher! I know you are sleeping better knowing you have a job...teaching! Now...if you could just help Krista; she is about to get discouraged, but she is hanging in there. :)
