Thursday, December 24, 2009
MeRrY ChRiStMaS!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
a LONG night
Yesterday, our sweet little puppy was not himself. He did not want to play on the tennis courts, which is one of his favorite things. He did not finish his dinner, which he always devours. He was very calm the whole day. We knew he wasn't feeling well but did not know exactly what was wrong. He also had some terrible diarrhea (I will spare you the graphic details). Last night we woke up to take him out and found that he had throw up. We called the Emergency Vet and took him in at 2 a.m. However, we had been up with him at 1. We finally arrived home at 4 a.m. He did not have an infection or a parasite. She believes it was related to the stress of being boarded last week. After several hundred dollars and hours without sleep, we returned home with medicines for our sleepy, sick puppy. Hopefully, this will pass and he will feel better soon. The joys of having a puppy!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Happy Birthday
Happy Belated Birthday Bethany!! Friday was my sister's 24th birthday, and I wish I could have been with her to celebrate. She is living in Miami right now, so I miss her so much!! I miss the days of sharing a room with her and living in the same city if not in the same house. She is my best friend!! Sissy, I hope your day was wonderful, and I look forward to spending time with you over Christmas.
Today is my Mom's birthday. Don't worry Mom, I won't reveal your age. My siblings and I always race to call my parents first on special days. Sometimes, I wake really early just so I can be number 1. They all know I'm the favorite but it helps for Mom or Dad to tell them every once in a while. Well, today, I failed. I called the house on my way to work this morning, and the line was busy. I knew someone else had beat me. I am at a slight disadvantage right now, since Adam, Luke, and Bethany all live on Eastern time. Congrats Luke to winning, but Mom did tell me she liked our conversation better. Ha! Ha! Anyways, Happy Birthday Mom!! I hope your day was amazing. You deserve only the best. Thanks for your constant love, support, and encouragement.
Happy Birthday to two of my favorite women!! I love you both so much and miss you too. Can't wait to celebrate in a few weeks.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
St. Jude Weekend
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Christmas Decorations
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thankful for...
We love the holidays, and the time we are able to spend with family. Family is a huge part of our lives and one of the greatest blessings in our lives! On Tuesday, I loaded the car and headed towards Nashville. No big problem...right?? Well, having a puppy changes everything, and it was much harder without Craig's help. Tucker and I spent the night at Craig's parents' house Tuesday. Wednesday morning I met by friend Emily and went to a funeral of the Betsy's grandfather. I enjoyed catching up with Emily. When we returned to Nashville, Craig had returned from Daytona, so we went to SATCO for lunch. YUM!! The rest of the evening was spent relaxing.
We spent Thanksgiving Day with Craig's family in Nashville. We started by taking the Wright family Christmas card photo. Then, we watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and hung out with Gentry, Charlie, Ashley, Granny, Charlie, Mary, and Craig's parents. We ate lunch, which was yummy!! After lunch, my sister arrived from Miami. She was surprising my family by coming home for a few days. I was so excited to see her!! She took my car and drove to Florence. Everyone was surprised to see her!! We watched the Texas game, ate some more, and enjoyed family time that night.
Friday morning we drove to Florence to spend the rest of the weekend with my family. All of my siblings were home, which was wonderful!! My grandmother and cousins (Randy, Robbie, and Elsie) came over for lunch, which was fantastic!! I love big holiday meals!! After lunch, we watched the Alabama/Auburn game. I will admit I was a little nervous, but Bama pulled off the win in the end. The best part was watching the game with my five year old cousin, Elsie. She was one of my flower girls in my wedding, and she is so cute!! She loved every minute of the game and cheered on the Tide to victory. She made signs trying to encourage my sister to cheer for Alabama. She was so cute, and I loved watching the game with her.
After the game, my family went to see The Blind Side. I was very interested in this movie since the true story occurred in Memphis. I loved the movie and recommend it to everyone. We played some games after the movie, which is always a lot of fun with my family. On Saturday, we took some pictures for our Christmas card. Mom made homemade pizza for lunch, which is always great!! Adam and Cathy left after lunch. The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing. That night Craig and I went to dinner at Ricatoni's with Melissa and Eric. It was so good to see them!! Elizabeth met us at Melissa and Eric's house after dinner. I have some amazing friends, and I love to visit with them.
We had a wonderful time with family and friends over Thanksgiving. You are all a blessing and we love you so much!!

We spent Thanksgiving Day with Craig's family in Nashville. We started by taking the Wright family Christmas card photo. Then, we watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and hung out with Gentry, Charlie, Ashley, Granny, Charlie, Mary, and Craig's parents. We ate lunch, which was yummy!! After lunch, my sister arrived from Miami. She was surprising my family by coming home for a few days. I was so excited to see her!! She took my car and drove to Florence. Everyone was surprised to see her!! We watched the Texas game, ate some more, and enjoyed family time that night.
Friday morning we drove to Florence to spend the rest of the weekend with my family. All of my siblings were home, which was wonderful!! My grandmother and cousins (Randy, Robbie, and Elsie) came over for lunch, which was fantastic!! I love big holiday meals!! After lunch, we watched the Alabama/Auburn game. I will admit I was a little nervous, but Bama pulled off the win in the end. The best part was watching the game with my five year old cousin, Elsie. She was one of my flower girls in my wedding, and she is so cute!! She loved every minute of the game and cheered on the Tide to victory. She made signs trying to encourage my sister to cheer for Alabama. She was so cute, and I loved watching the game with her.
After the game, my family went to see The Blind Side. I was very interested in this movie since the true story occurred in Memphis. I loved the movie and recommend it to everyone. We played some games after the movie, which is always a lot of fun with my family. On Saturday, we took some pictures for our Christmas card. Mom made homemade pizza for lunch, which is always great!! Adam and Cathy left after lunch. The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing. That night Craig and I went to dinner at Ricatoni's with Melissa and Eric. It was so good to see them!! Elizabeth met us at Melissa and Eric's house after dinner. I have some amazing friends, and I love to visit with them.
We had a wonderful time with family and friends over Thanksgiving. You are all a blessing and we love you so much!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Turkey Day
We would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving Day! We are so thankful for our wonderful family and friends who bless our lives daily. Thank you for your constant love and support!! Most of all, we are thankful to our amazing God for his love, his grace, and his Son. May we all strive to live with thankful hearts every day of the year and to find the blessings in everything. We love you all!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A Special House Guest
While Craig was gone on Monday, I had a very special house guest. One of my best friends, Elizabeth, came to Memphis for an interview at Le Bonheur. After her interview on Monday, she stayed the night with me. We had a great visit!! She truly is an amazing woman, and I admire her for so many things. Elizabeth and I have been friends since 1st grade. I knew her in Kindergarten, but I did not like her. We were not in the same class, but we shared a mutual friend. I was jealous of the friendship she shared with my friend and didn't want her taking my friend away. In 1st grade, we were in the same class, as well as our mutual friend (Melissa) and developed a very close bond. Over the years, we have shared many special memories together and have been there through the rough times as well. She is always someone I can count on, and someone I can look to for strength and encouragement. She is so thoughtful and is always thinking of others. I miss living in the same city. I only wish Craig and her could match in the same city, so we could spend the next three years together. Thanks Elizabeth for coming to visit!! I love you and hope to see you this weekend!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Home Alone
When I first started this blog, I mentioned this would be a busy year with lots of BIG decisions. Well, the craziness has officially begun. Craig started his interviews on Friday in Chattanooga. He left on Wednesday night, and I won't see him again until this Wednesday. Today, he left for Daytona Beach and has an interview tomorrow. He's staying a little longer to visit with our good friend, Matt Cline and his wife Jamie.
So, I have been home alone. It's been very nice to have Tucker, and he's kept me very busy. We've been blessed with some amazing friends to watch Tucker during the day while I work. Thanks to Jason, Brittney, Brandon, and James. I couldn't have made it this week without your help!! I've had a very relaxing weekend and look forward to the time spent with family at the end of the week. I love the holiday season!! I bought my first Christmas CD for this season on Saturday. I went out to run some errands and wanted some Christmas music. I had left my IPod at home, so I bought Taylor Swift's album. There aren't many songs, but it helped put me in the spirit. Now, I'm ready to decorate and to shop.
Well, it's about time to take Tucker out before I go to bed. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!
So, I have been home alone. It's been very nice to have Tucker, and he's kept me very busy. We've been blessed with some amazing friends to watch Tucker during the day while I work. Thanks to Jason, Brittney, Brandon, and James. I couldn't have made it this week without your help!! I've had a very relaxing weekend and look forward to the time spent with family at the end of the week. I love the holiday season!! I bought my first Christmas CD for this season on Saturday. I went out to run some errands and wanted some Christmas music. I had left my IPod at home, so I bought Taylor Swift's album. There aren't many songs, but it helped put me in the spirit. Now, I'm ready to decorate and to shop.
Well, it's about time to take Tucker out before I go to bed. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tucker's First Road Trip
On Friday, we packed the Escape and headed to Nashville. This was our first trip with Tucker, so it was quite an experience. Most of the car's belongings were Tucker's. We had his crate, his pet porter, his toys, his food, his bath supplies, etc. You have to be prepared...right?? We made a quick stop in Jackson, so Tucker could meet Granny and Uncle Charlie. Craig and I have joked that having Tucker is like having a baby. We are exhausted at 9:00 p.m. We have no idea what we are doing. Tucker has to meet everyone. When going anywhere, we have to think about his schedule. Life has changed. However, we are so glad to have him and already love him so much!!
On Saturday, Ashley, Mrs. Wright, and I went to Christmas Village. It was fun to spend some time with my sister-in-law and mother-in-law. Although I did not buy many Christmas gifts, we had a good time together. (The best gift I purchased was for Tucker. See the picture below.) After shopping, Mrs. Wright and I went to lunch at Panera. Have I mentioned how much I love that place?? Next, we went to Target. Last, we went back to the Wright house, and I took a short nap after a long day of shopping. Saturday night Charlie, Ashley, and Gentry came over for dinner. Gentry is growing so fast!! We don't get to see him as much as we would like, but we LOVE every minute we get to spend with our sweet nephew. He is smiling and laughing so much. He can sit up like a big boy and will be crawling before we know it. I just love it when he looks at me and smiles!! We enjoyed the fun night.
On Sunday, we went to the Titans game after church. Now, the season started off pretty bad, but Craig is optimistic the season will end with a winning record. We were able to enjoy the pretty weather and the third win in a row. I love going to Titans games but have not been able to attend any until this past Sunday. It may be the only game I go to all season. Thanks to Mrs. Wright for watching Tucker while we went to the game. After the game, we drove back to Memphis with another stop in Jackson. Tucker missed his Aunt Mary on Friday, and she was dying to meet him.
We had a great weekend in Nashville and survived our first of many road trips with Tucker Bear. He is a great traveler, so be ready for us to come visit!!
On Saturday, Ashley, Mrs. Wright, and I went to Christmas Village. It was fun to spend some time with my sister-in-law and mother-in-law. Although I did not buy many Christmas gifts, we had a good time together. (The best gift I purchased was for Tucker. See the picture below.) After shopping, Mrs. Wright and I went to lunch at Panera. Have I mentioned how much I love that place?? Next, we went to Target. Last, we went back to the Wright house, and I took a short nap after a long day of shopping. Saturday night Charlie, Ashley, and Gentry came over for dinner. Gentry is growing so fast!! We don't get to see him as much as we would like, but we LOVE every minute we get to spend with our sweet nephew. He is smiling and laughing so much. He can sit up like a big boy and will be crawling before we know it. I just love it when he looks at me and smiles!! We enjoyed the fun night.
We had a great weekend in Nashville and survived our first of many road trips with Tucker Bear. He is a great traveler, so be ready for us to come visit!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Busy Weekend
I have 30 minutes until dinner is here is the quick update.
Friday Night: I am part of Side By Side, which is a group of Medical & Dental wives. We have a weekly Bible Study and support one another through the tough years of school. This group has been a HUGE blessing while Craig has been in school. Friday night we went to dinner at Panera, one of my favorite place, and then left for a retreat. One of our mentors has a lake house in the middle of no where. It was a nice get-a-way and a great time to hang out with the girls. Thanks Lanier for hosting us!! Thanks Craig for watching Tucker while I was gone.
Saturday: I left the retreat at 10 a.m., so that I could get home to welcome my parents. Mom and Dad arrived in Memphis at 2 p.m. Of course, we watched the Bama/LSU game. The last time we watched a Bama game at my apt the game did not turn out the way we wanted. We were very nervous but cheered them on to a VICTORY! After the game, we went to Germantown Commissary for some yummy BBQ. Then, we went to Muddy's for the best cupcakes. The rest of the evening was spent hanging out and relaxing.
Sunday: Mom and Dad went to church with us at White Station. Then, we went to a new breakfast place we had been wanting to try, Bryant's. We enjoyed our breakfast. Mom and Dad left after breakfast. Thanks for coming!! We had so much fun!! Craig and I took a short afternoon nap. Then I had to get busy cooking Grandma's Chicken & Dressing for our Small Group Thanksgiving Feast. We went to James and Elizabeth's at 6 and stuffed our bellies with some great food!!

We are so blessed with wonderful friends and family. Thanks to all who made the weekend special!!
Friday Night: I am part of Side By Side, which is a group of Medical & Dental wives. We have a weekly Bible Study and support one another through the tough years of school. This group has been a HUGE blessing while Craig has been in school. Friday night we went to dinner at Panera, one of my favorite place, and then left for a retreat. One of our mentors has a lake house in the middle of no where. It was a nice get-a-way and a great time to hang out with the girls. Thanks Lanier for hosting us!! Thanks Craig for watching Tucker while I was gone.
We are so blessed with wonderful friends and family. Thanks to all who made the weekend special!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Introducing...Tucker Bear
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Weekend Update
Today has been a very relaxing day. We went to church, to class, to Panera for lunch, to many stores looking for puppy supplies, and to small group. I even had time for my Sunday afternoon nap. I've been reminded throughout the day "God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good." Even through our weaknesses, he makes us strong and can use those situations for HIS glory.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Craig!
Today is Craig's 27th Birthday!! Happy Birthday Hubby!! Craig started a new rotation and had to be at the hospital really early, which is not fun on your birthday. Tonight, he chose our dinner plans and dessert option. We went to Carrabba's and enjoyed a yummy dinner. Muddy's was closed, so we went to our second favorite dessert location: The Cheesecake Corner. We enjoyed a relaxing afternoon and evening.
I am so blessed to have Craig as my husband and my best friend. He is so helpful even though he's very busy with school. Thanks Craig for being the BEST husband. I love you so much and hope you had a wonderful day!!
I am so blessed to have Craig as my husband and my best friend. He is so helpful even though he's very busy with school. Thanks Craig for being the BEST husband. I love you so much and hope you had a wonderful day!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
another BIG decision
When I started this blog, I stated that this year we would have a lot of BIG decisions to make. Well, Craig and I have decided to add to our family. We are getting a puppy!! The only problem is we are undecided about what kind of dog. We want our dog to be a great family dog and to be small to medium in size. We are also very interested in rescuing our puppy. So, if you have dog suggestions or know of any great places to rescue puppies....please let us know!! Hopefully, in the next few months we will be able to post pictures of our new addition!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Another Weekend Update
Right now, I am enjoying Fall Break, while Craig is in the other room studying hard for Step 2 of his boards. We had a relaxing weekend. One of my best friends from college and an old roomie, Betsy, came to Memphis to visit on Friday. We enjoyed dinner at Central BBQ and cupcakes at Muddy's. These are two of my favorite Memphis restaurants and will miss them when we move in May. After dinner, we went over to Meaghan and Brandon's to hang out and catch up. Saturday morning I slept in due to a terrible migraine. It was awful, and I'm so thankful I do not have those on a regular basis. Betsy, Meaghan, Brandon, and I went to see baby Rylan and her parents, Chris and Rebekah. Rylan continues to grow every time I see her, and she is still so cute!! We went to Abner's for lunch. Betsy left after lunch, so I spent the rest of the afternoon watching football. I love spending Saturdays in the fall watching college football!! The weather is turning cooler, which is also nice. I love fall!! I plan to spend the rest of my Fall Break cleaning, resting, reading, scrapbooking, and enjoying this time off of work. Happy Fall Yall!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Under A Tree
This weekend was my brother, Luke's wedding. Craig and I left Memphis on Wednesday afternoon when I got off work. By the time we arrived to Florence, I had caught the sickness that had been floating around my classroom. It's always welcoming to get home and be asked, "What's wrong with you?" Well, Craig and I skipped out on church, so that I could rest. When the family (my sister, parents, my aunt, and 2 cousins) returned home, I was ready to get to work. No more time to had to be done for the rehearsal dinner. Luke and Laura love the outdoors and were having the wedding on a mountain under a tree. We decided to incorporate the outdoor theme into the Rehearsal Dinner. We used branches and pea gravel for the table centerpieces. We also used some trees from my wedding that Luke and I had chopped down. It was a very simple idea, but the couple loved it.
On Thursday, Mom, Bethany, Craig, and I left Florence at 8. Dad, Aunt Marcella, Katie, and Emily left a little later. We arrived in Hazel Green and began work, unloading all the decor. We touched up the trees and moved LOTS of tables and chairs. Once we had the room set up the way we liked, we were able to decorate the tables and the rest of the space. We took a break to have lunch at Sonic. Luke met us at the church after lunch. It was so good to finally see the groom!! After some afternoon final touches, we left Hazel Green. We drove to Huntsville to check in the hotel. We freshened up and left for the rehearsal at Burritt on the Mountain. Beautiful location!! After the rehearsal, we went to the church for the Dinner. Luke and Laura wanted breakfast, so we had sausage, bacon, eggs, biscuits, pancakes, waffles, and fruit! YUM!! After dinner, many friends spoke about the couple, which kept us laughing and crying. We wrapped up the evening with a slideshow.
On Friday, Bethany and I went to have our nails done at the mall. It was a very relaxing morning! When we got back to the hotel, we ate lunch and fixed our hair and make up for the big day. (Thanks Aunt Marcella for curling my hair!!) We arrived at Burritt at 1:30. After a few morning rain showers, the sun came out and the day was beautiful!! The weather was perfect for an outdoor wedding. We spent the afternoon taking pictures and having fun with the wedding party.
I didn't shed a tear until I walked down the aisle and saw my brother standing there with a big smile on his face. Then, the tears began to flow. The tears came again during my favorite part of a wedding...watching the Groom while the Bride walks down the aisle. Luke had the biggest smile on his face and Laura looked beautiful. It was a very sweet moment. During the ceremony, I looked out over the audience and was so happy to see so many friends and family members. However, I was also very sad. On the first row on the lawn, set my uncle and my cousins, but my aunt was missing. It was hard to see them all there without her. She loved family gatherings and would have loved to be at the wedding.
The weekend was wonderful. It was so nice to spend time with so many family members and friends. Thanks to all who came to celebrate with Luke and Laura!! Luke, I love you and I'm so happy for you!! Laura, welcome to the family!! May God bless the two of you and your marriage!! I love you both!!
On Thursday, Mom, Bethany, Craig, and I left Florence at 8. Dad, Aunt Marcella, Katie, and Emily left a little later. We arrived in Hazel Green and began work, unloading all the decor. We touched up the trees and moved LOTS of tables and chairs. Once we had the room set up the way we liked, we were able to decorate the tables and the rest of the space. We took a break to have lunch at Sonic. Luke met us at the church after lunch. It was so good to finally see the groom!! After some afternoon final touches, we left Hazel Green. We drove to Huntsville to check in the hotel. We freshened up and left for the rehearsal at Burritt on the Mountain. Beautiful location!! After the rehearsal, we went to the church for the Dinner. Luke and Laura wanted breakfast, so we had sausage, bacon, eggs, biscuits, pancakes, waffles, and fruit! YUM!! After dinner, many friends spoke about the couple, which kept us laughing and crying. We wrapped up the evening with a slideshow.
On Friday, Bethany and I went to have our nails done at the mall. It was a very relaxing morning! When we got back to the hotel, we ate lunch and fixed our hair and make up for the big day. (Thanks Aunt Marcella for curling my hair!!) We arrived at Burritt at 1:30. After a few morning rain showers, the sun came out and the day was beautiful!! The weather was perfect for an outdoor wedding. We spent the afternoon taking pictures and having fun with the wedding party.
I didn't shed a tear until I walked down the aisle and saw my brother standing there with a big smile on his face. Then, the tears began to flow. The tears came again during my favorite part of a wedding...watching the Groom while the Bride walks down the aisle. Luke had the biggest smile on his face and Laura looked beautiful. It was a very sweet moment. During the ceremony, I looked out over the audience and was so happy to see so many friends and family members. However, I was also very sad. On the first row on the lawn, set my uncle and my cousins, but my aunt was missing. It was hard to see them all there without her. She loved family gatherings and would have loved to be at the wedding.
The weekend was wonderful. It was so nice to spend time with so many family members and friends. Thanks to all who came to celebrate with Luke and Laura!! Luke, I love you and I'm so happy for you!! Laura, welcome to the family!! May God bless the two of you and your marriage!! I love you both!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
When I was in middle school, we sang "Friends Forever" EVERY day in Chapel. Now, I have some wonderful friends, but that song became really old very quickly. However, it is interesting that my best friends in middle school are still my best friends today. We have shared OH, so MANY memories! No matter the time between our visits, we always pick up where we left off.
Saturday was a wonderful day, because I was able to see these VERY special people...
Mary Brook moved to Seattle a little over a year ago, and I have not seen her since August 2008. I have missed her tremendously and made a special trip home to see her. She brought her boyfriend home for his first visit to the South, which included a LOT of food and an Alabama football game.
Along with Mary Brook and Nick, I met Melissa, Eric, and Codi for breakfast. Mary Brook, Melissa, Codi, and I have been friends forever. Melissa and I go all the way back to Kindergarten. Codi and I became good friends around 4th Grade, and Mary Brook came to Mars Hill in middle school. We only wish Elizabeth could have been there with us, and the circle would have been complete. We enjoyed breakfast and a quick visit. Like always, we talked non-stop and had the best time!! Nick, please come back, so we can get to know you better.
Well, the fun did not end there...
I left Florence mid-afternoon to go back to Memphis for another visit with some special friends. In college, I made some more amazing friends, and I feel like we have known each other much longer. Emily, is one of those friends. My brother, Adam and her sister, Leanne were friends in college and convinced us to be suite mates our freshman year. Well, I'm so glad we listened to them. Emily and I have shared numerous odd and funny memories, but I cannot share them on this blog. She has always been there. After we graduated from Lipscomb, she married and moved to Memphis, like me. However, she has moved back to Nashville, and I miss her!! Emily and her husband, Ryan, came to visit on Saturday, and it was so much fun to catch up with them.
I met them at Chris and Rebekah's house, because they had to see baby Rylan!! It was so good to see everyone. After visiting with the Askins', we went by Bella Vita (Emily's old store), which is such a cute store. We ate dinner at Germantown Commissary and had cupcakes at Muddy's. YUM!! The Commissary is one of my favorite BBQ places in Memphis, and of course, Muddy's is the best cupcake shop!! After dinner, we hung out at the apartment. It was so good to visit with them!!
Well, I was thinking last night after my wonderful day with friends, how blessed I am. When Craig and I were married, I had 8 amazing girls stand with me as bridesmaids. Yesterday, I was able to see 5 of them. Thank you to Codi, Melissa, Mary Brook, Rebekah, and Emily for all the memories. You are very special, and I pray we are "Friends Forever."
Saturday was a wonderful day, because I was able to see these VERY special people...
Mary Brook moved to Seattle a little over a year ago, and I have not seen her since August 2008. I have missed her tremendously and made a special trip home to see her. She brought her boyfriend home for his first visit to the South, which included a LOT of food and an Alabama football game.
Well, the fun did not end there...
I left Florence mid-afternoon to go back to Memphis for another visit with some special friends. In college, I made some more amazing friends, and I feel like we have known each other much longer. Emily, is one of those friends. My brother, Adam and her sister, Leanne were friends in college and convinced us to be suite mates our freshman year. Well, I'm so glad we listened to them. Emily and I have shared numerous odd and funny memories, but I cannot share them on this blog. She has always been there. After we graduated from Lipscomb, she married and moved to Memphis, like me. However, she has moved back to Nashville, and I miss her!! Emily and her husband, Ryan, came to visit on Saturday, and it was so much fun to catch up with them.
I met them at Chris and Rebekah's house, because they had to see baby Rylan!! It was so good to see everyone. After visiting with the Askins', we went by Bella Vita (Emily's old store), which is such a cute store. We ate dinner at Germantown Commissary and had cupcakes at Muddy's. YUM!! The Commissary is one of my favorite BBQ places in Memphis, and of course, Muddy's is the best cupcake shop!! After dinner, we hung out at the apartment. It was so good to visit with them!!
Well, I was thinking last night after my wonderful day with friends, how blessed I am. When Craig and I were married, I had 8 amazing girls stand with me as bridesmaids. Yesterday, I was able to see 5 of them. Thank you to Codi, Melissa, Mary Brook, Rebekah, and Emily for all the memories. You are very special, and I pray we are "Friends Forever."
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Little Things...
Sometimes it's the little things that really hit me...
Tonight, Craig and I decided to make homemade pizza. YUM!! This is a family recipe, and Craig likes it better than our favorite pizza chain, Papa John's. I think one of the reasons I enjoy cooking so much is because I come from a long line of amazing cooks. My mom always cooked when I was young. As a child, I wished we went out more, but now, I'm so thankful for her good meals and wish I could have them more. My grandmother is a natural. Her cooking is another meal I miss. I love to make family recipes. They are fun to make and always make me feel like part of home is with me.
Homemade pizza reminds me of my aunt, Cathy. I believe the recipe belongs to her, and I remember eating it at her house on numerous occasions. As many of you know, she passed away suddenly this summer. As I was rolling out the dough on my cookie sheet (that's how she always made it), I started crying. I couldn't hold back the tears. I miss her, and I know I'm not the only one. I know my uncle misses her, as well as her sons, daughter-in-laws, grandchildren, her sister, her mother, her friends, her nieces, her nephews and so many more people. I miss her bright smile that was always on her face. I miss her laugh. I miss so many things about her. Sometimes it's the little moments in life that bring back a flood of memories. Tonight, she has been on my mind. She was an amazing person and a part of her lives on in the loved ones she left behind.
Tonight, Craig and I decided to make homemade pizza. YUM!! This is a family recipe, and Craig likes it better than our favorite pizza chain, Papa John's. I think one of the reasons I enjoy cooking so much is because I come from a long line of amazing cooks. My mom always cooked when I was young. As a child, I wished we went out more, but now, I'm so thankful for her good meals and wish I could have them more. My grandmother is a natural. Her cooking is another meal I miss. I love to make family recipes. They are fun to make and always make me feel like part of home is with me.
Homemade pizza reminds me of my aunt, Cathy. I believe the recipe belongs to her, and I remember eating it at her house on numerous occasions. As many of you know, she passed away suddenly this summer. As I was rolling out the dough on my cookie sheet (that's how she always made it), I started crying. I couldn't hold back the tears. I miss her, and I know I'm not the only one. I know my uncle misses her, as well as her sons, daughter-in-laws, grandchildren, her sister, her mother, her friends, her nieces, her nephews and so many more people. I miss her bright smile that was always on her face. I miss her laugh. I miss so many things about her. Sometimes it's the little moments in life that bring back a flood of memories. Tonight, she has been on my mind. She was an amazing person and a part of her lives on in the loved ones she left behind.
While I was at her house, during the week of her illness and passing, I remember something Jackie (her daughter-in-law) said to sweet Naomi(Jackie's little girl). "Naomi, do you know what Anna's middle name is?" Naomi, of course, did not know. Jackie went on to tell Naomi that my middle name was Catherine, which was also Naomi's middle name. She also told Naomi, Gran (my Aunt Cathy) must really be a special woman to have a niece and two granddaughters named after her. I am honored to share my aunt's name and hope to follow the example she left me of a woman devoted to the service of her Lord and of others.
My Wonderful Saturday
Craig and I had planned to go to Nashville for the weekend, but after the way the Titans played today, I'm glad we stayed in Memphis. With the wet forecast of the weekend, we decided we did not want to sit through the game in the rain or drive home in it. This was our first weekend in Memphis in over two months with nothing planned. Friday night we went to dinner at Cafe Ole and then watched Atonement. Saturday we stayed home and watched football all day. I LOVED IT!! Alabama was actually on t.v. and I was able to watch the game, which was a first for me this season. ROLL TIDE!! We also watched Craig's teams: Tennessee and Texas. I relaxed, cleaned, watched football, and worked on my scrapbook. I stayed in my pajamas all day!! After all the travels over the past few weekends, it was nice to stay home. Some weekends it's nice to do nothing. I'm glad we were able to enjoy it since the next few weekends will be busy again. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Two very powerful events:
- "Cardboard Testimonies" at White Station: Several members shared their struggles through writing on cardboard. One side exposed their sin, while the other side claimed God's grace and goodness. A very powerful message through a very simple thought. (Check out cardboard testimonies on YouTube)
- Rob Bell's video "Rhythm": We started his video series for our small group on Sunday nights. The video is short (12 minutes) but produces much discussion. I loved his idea of living "in tune" with God's music. His full analogy is much better than I can describe, so watch the video. I don't think you will be disappointed.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Welcome to the world...
September 11...
is a day that most of us remember as a day of tragedy. We will always remember where we were when we heard the news of the plane crashes. I was a senior in high school. In the mornings, I worked with a Kindergarten teacher at a public elementary school. I will never forget turning on the t.v. in her room, while the students were in gym, as we watched the buildings fall. A senior in high school...seems like so long ago.
Friday, September 11, 2009...
is another day I will always remember as a day of new life. Craig, his mom, and I were on the way to dinner at On The Border, when I received the phone call from Rebekah. Rebekah is a life long friend of mine. She has just given birth to a healthy baby girl, named Rylan. I was so excited to hear the news and couldn't wait to meet Rylan! So, of course, after dinner, we had to go by the hospital for just a few minutes to see everyone!! What a beautiful baby!! I also had to make another trip on Saturday, because I did not have my camera on Friday night. Congrats Chris and Rebekah!! I'm so happy for the two of you, and I know Rylan will be blessed by having you as parents.
is a day that most of us remember as a day of tragedy. We will always remember where we were when we heard the news of the plane crashes. I was a senior in high school. In the mornings, I worked with a Kindergarten teacher at a public elementary school. I will never forget turning on the t.v. in her room, while the students were in gym, as we watched the buildings fall. A senior in high school...seems like so long ago.
Friday, September 11, 2009...
is another day I will always remember as a day of new life. Craig, his mom, and I were on the way to dinner at On The Border, when I received the phone call from Rebekah. Rebekah is a life long friend of mine. She has just given birth to a healthy baby girl, named Rylan. I was so excited to hear the news and couldn't wait to meet Rylan! So, of course, after dinner, we had to go by the hospital for just a few minutes to see everyone!! What a beautiful baby!! I also had to make another trip on Saturday, because I did not have my camera on Friday night. Congrats Chris and Rebekah!! I'm so happy for the two of you, and I know Rylan will be blessed by having you as parents.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Heads Up Seven Up
Important Disclaimer: I am a TRUE Alabama fan and what happened on Saturday about killed me. If you too are a die hard fan for the Tide, please skip the next paragraph. Do not judge me for what happened next...
On Saturday, we made a visit to another SEC campus for the football game. The colors I saw were dirty orange and ugly. They sang an annoying song throughout the entire game called "Rocky Top." The best part of the morning was eating at Chick-fil-A for breakfast. We then watched as the players walked to the stadium and as the band marched and played. The home team did win. Why was I happy for that? Well, all my friends I was spending the weekend with, were for the home team, and I did not want the rest of the weekend to be ruined.
Okay, Alabama fans, you may begin reading again...
After the game, we went to eat at Sawyer's. We were all so hungry! Next, we went back to the apartment to clean up before going out for the night. For dessert, we went to this fun place called Menchie's. You pick your flavor of yogurt and toppings to make your own ice cream sundae. I chose Strawberry Kiwi with cheesecake bites and kiwis. It was so yummy and such a fun place to go! After dessert, we did a little shopping before going to another friend's house to play Cornhole. Elizabeth and I were on a team, and I had the best partner. We won both games we played, although it was not due to any good skills on my part. Elizabeth was awesome!When we returned to Russ and Heather's apartment, we played the game the eight of us LOVE most...Nerts! The eight of us would play this game in Memphis whenever we had the chance, so of course, we stayed up REALLY late. Saturday night we played for over 2 hours with the girls dominating the first game and the boys winning the second. As the night went on, everything became very funny, as it always does as the time gets later. We also played our own version of "Heads Up Seven Up" to make decisions. We played. We laughed. We had fun!
"Burgerz? Not in our house."
I saw this quote on a Chick-fil-A billboard and loved it. Today, Chick-fil-A ran a promo for a free sandwich if you wore a sports team's logo. (If you are reading this on Monday, hurry...there is still time for your free Chick-fil-A). Well, Craig and I love C-F-A, so it was a wonderful day! We were in Nashville this morning after spending the weekend in Knoxville (a post on that trip to come). We ate a big breakfast with Craig's parents, so we were not hungry when we left. However, we were not going to miss our free C-F-A. Since Craig is in Med School and our income is minimal, we decided to stop at all the C-F-A's on the way back to Memphis. Yes, we came home with 10 sandwiches!! We made five different stops and found every C-F-A very busy. I guess this week at our house, there will be no burgerz. Thank you Chick-fil-A for providing lunch and dinner for us this week!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Check YES or NO
Big Decision #1 for this Year: Where will we apply for residency?
Today was the big day for Craig to post his application for residency. Some of you may be asking, "What does this mean?" Well, as of now, Craig said YES to10 programs that he's interested in for his Family Medicine Residency. He has applied. Now, is the waiting period. Although there will be a lot of waiting this year, this is our first experience. Craig will either receive an interview from the program or he will not. Interviews can start as early as October and last until January. All of our programs are in the Southeast. Possible locations for our move to Residency in June 2010: Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, Texas, North Carolina, or South Carolina. We will continue to keep you posted with the process. Please continue to keep us in your prayers during this time.
Today was the big day for Craig to post his application for residency. Some of you may be asking, "What does this mean?" Well, as of now, Craig said YES to10 programs that he's interested in for his Family Medicine Residency. He has applied. Now, is the waiting period. Although there will be a lot of waiting this year, this is our first experience. Craig will either receive an interview from the program or he will not. Interviews can start as early as October and last until January. All of our programs are in the Southeast. Possible locations for our move to Residency in June 2010: Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, Texas, North Carolina, or South Carolina. We will continue to keep you posted with the process. Please continue to keep us in your prayers during this time.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Favorite Son
Another weekend. Another trip.
This week Craig and I went to my hometown, Florence, AL for two wedding showers for my brother Luke and his fiance, Laura. We arrived on Friday night and spent the evening hanging out with my family and of course playing games. The game of choice was Monopoly Deal. It's a card game version of Monopoly that is much shorter, so I like it better than the original game. Saturday morning we had brunch, ran some errands, and relaxed at the house. The festivities began Saturday night with a family shower. The shower was hosted by three of my cousins and their wives. The food was amazing! It was so good to see a lot of my Grandma's family that I don't see very often. One of my cousins, I will keep his identity anonymous, said that it's worth getting divorce and remarried just to have another family shower. Below, are some pictures from the evening.

Today, was a very busy day at Stony Point, my home congregation. The day started with class taught by my father, followed by worship, a fellowship meal, an afternoon service led by the young men, and last another shower. Well, some of you may be wondering why I titled my entry "The Favorite Son." During the morning announcements, one of our elders was talking about my brother Luke. He referred to him as "Everyone's Favorite Son." That's my brother. Everyone loves him! It was so funny, though, because we are always talking about who is the favorite child in my family. On most days, my family would admit it was me. (Ha! Ha!) Luke was excited he could be the favorite today. Oh well, it was another great shower with lots of fun presents. The two have been very blessed by family and friends.
Luke is an amazing brother and a wonderful friend. Laura, we are excited to have you become part of the family. We wish you all the love and happiness as you begin your lives together. Proud of you boo!!
This week Craig and I went to my hometown, Florence, AL for two wedding showers for my brother Luke and his fiance, Laura. We arrived on Friday night and spent the evening hanging out with my family and of course playing games. The game of choice was Monopoly Deal. It's a card game version of Monopoly that is much shorter, so I like it better than the original game. Saturday morning we had brunch, ran some errands, and relaxed at the house. The festivities began Saturday night with a family shower. The shower was hosted by three of my cousins and their wives. The food was amazing! It was so good to see a lot of my Grandma's family that I don't see very often. One of my cousins, I will keep his identity anonymous, said that it's worth getting divorce and remarried just to have another family shower. Below, are some pictures from the evening.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A Birthday Celebration
Saturday was one of my best friends birthday, so of course, we had to celebrate!! Melissa and I have been friends since the first day of Kindergarten. She was the brave one, and I was the one in tears. Our teacher introduced us on the playground, and the rest is history. We survived elementary, middle, and high school together. She has been by my side through it all. She is always there for me, and we can talk about anything. Since we graduated high school, we have not lived n the same city, and I miss the everyday moments we use to share. She is one of the strongest people I know, and I admire her love for the Lord.
We met at Casa for lunch, which is a great Mexican place. Another highlight to our lunch was having Elizabeth there too. Elizabeth and I have been friends since first grade, so she is another very special friend. Our close bond started that year when we did everything we could to avoid rest time. We would fake headaches by hitting our heads on our cubbies. She too has been with me through everything. She is one of the most thoughtful friends I have.
Since we all live in different cities, it's rare for us to be together. It was so fun to have lunch and hang out at Melissa's with some of my closest friends. Melissa, I hope you had a wonderful birthday. You deserve the best!! I only wish Mary Brook and Codi could have been there to celebrate with us. Then, the day would have been complete.
We met at Casa for lunch, which is a great Mexican place. Another highlight to our lunch was having Elizabeth there too. Elizabeth and I have been friends since first grade, so she is another very special friend. Our close bond started that year when we did everything we could to avoid rest time. We would fake headaches by hitting our heads on our cubbies. She too has been with me through everything. She is one of the most thoughtful friends I have.
Since we all live in different cities, it's rare for us to be together. It was so fun to have lunch and hang out at Melissa's with some of my closest friends. Melissa, I hope you had a wonderful birthday. You deserve the best!! I only wish Mary Brook and Codi could have been there to celebrate with us. Then, the day would have been complete.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Well, I guess I will join the blogging world. Hopefully, this will help us keep up better with everyone. This year will be an exciting one full of lots of BIG decisions, so this blog will also serve as a way to keep everyone informed about where we plan to go next. Hope you enjoy reading about our journey!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
St. Louis
Friday night, Craig and I decided to take a road trip to St. Louis. We left Memphis at 9:00 on Saturday morning. We stopped for breakfast at McDonald's and arrived in St. Louis around noon. We walked around Union Station and ate lunch at Quizno's. After lunch, we went to the St. Louis Zoo. The best part was that it was free!! We love the Memphis Zoo and think it's amazing, so we were unsure how the St. Louis Zoo would compare. It was a great zoo, and we had a wonderful time. Our next free event was the Anheuser Busch Brewery Tour. The tour lasted an hour. Did you know 1 out of every 2 beers sold in the U.S. comes from that brewery? That was one of the many interesting facts we learned. Our last event, and the real reason the trip was made, was the Cardinals Baseball game. If you know me, you know, I hate baseball. However, I love my husband, so I agreed to go to the game. The stadium is beautiful and a very neat place. Craig was so happy and was like a little kid the whole night. The home team won, and I'll admit, I enjoyed the game. We spent the night in Fester, which is about 30 minutes outside of St. Louis. We finished our quick trip with a stop at Lambert's Cafe in Sikeston for lunch. Lambert's is the home of the throwed rolls, and a place I recommend everyone visit. We arrived back home at 2:00 p.m. today. Our getaway was so much fun, and we are planning another trip soon!!
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